Make the most of the time you spend with your doctor to get the care you need. Be your own pain expert to get the most out of your office visit.
Here are four tips to help you effectively talk about your painful condition. Being accurate and specific about your pain will help you get the best diagnosis and treatment. These tips are helpful if you have
1. Choose your words to describe pain. Here are some examples:
2. Rate your pain on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain at all and 10 being the worst pain ever.
3. Tell your doctor when the pain is at its worst:
4-Keep a pain log.
Track your pain for a few days before seeing your doctor. In the pain log, keep track of items 1 through 3. Also, note what medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, you took to relieve the pain and whether they helped. Include any herbal preparations.